Express yourself! In Expression, you’ll find fun and thought provoking opinion pieces on pop culture, fashion, self-expression, and so much more!
Mitch Guerra, the "Survivor" Contestant Who Stutters
Over the span of 25 years of airing, “Survivor” has become more current, progressive, and spread awareness about countless amounts of backgrounds and characteristics specific to its contestants.
However, over that quarter of a century, not one contestant has disclosed they have a speech difference. Until now.
4 Things To Do Instead Of Doomscrolling
The world is scary. Overwhelming. Exhausting. I could think of at least fifty other words to describe our current situation, but I digress. Instead of turning to our phones for temporary and unsatisfying solace, let’s instead focus on ourselves and on each other. It’s the only way we can collectively stay sane, if it’s not too late, which it’s not. It’s never too late.
5 FREE SXSW Activations You Won’t Want To Miss!
SXSW runs from March 7th to March 15th, and while a badge isn’t required, it does grant priority access. The good news? Plenty of free events are happening throughout the festival! Here are some must-see activations to check out.
Decades of Influence: The Most Impactful Female Musicians from the ‘60s to Today
It’s finally Women’s History Month! This year, especially this year, it’s so important to remember the women who have impacted our society for the better. I’ll be going over certain female musicians and how their impact on culture, both in their respective decades and beyond, is undeniable.
What I've Learned After Two Years of Casual Dating
When I was 20, I decided to give casual dating a shot. I felt like I was falling behind, everyone around me seemed to have someone. However, the main reason was I’ve always been naturally reserved and awkward when meeting new people, even more so back then. I worried that if I didn’t start getting some experience soon, I’d end up having painfully awkward dates in my mid-20s because I never learned how to navigate them. Here are the top 5 things I learned!
Did Yoko Ono Break Up The Beatles? (Short answer: No)
While none of us will ever 100% know what transpired with the infamous Beatles breakup, many fans have historically pinned the blame on one person: artist, singer, and activist Yoko Ono, who happened to be John Lennon’s girlfriend, and eventually his wife. For decades, this so-called “fact” has been tossed around, and Ono has become the subject of endless criticism and discourse. It doesn’t take much actual research or critical thinking to conclude that this is false.
Women Are Complex, And Female Characters Should Be Too
If we were all identical, uncomplicated, and flawless, would there be any art, or films, or books, or plays? Would there be any reason to create? Would there be any reason to be?
The Demonization of Hyper-Femininity
Y2K Queen Paris Hilton on her new collaboration with Klarna in 2023. Instagram: @hellomag
Stop Using AI To Replace Writers
A major issue I have with AI-generated writing is that much of it comes from real people. It steals people’s work and essentially passes it off without crediting the creators. In fact, many AI models are trained by taking information from the internet – information that comes from real people and their research and creativity.
4 Things Stardew Valley Taught Me About Life
In my experience, Stardew Valley isn’t just a time killer––it offers lessons that can be applied to the real world. When digging deeper into the game’s themes, one can appreciate that this is far more than a cozy pixelated utopia.
The Power of Pinterest
Comparison fails to control because Pinterest shows you that you can be what you see…if anything you already are. The boards you create motivate you to become everything you want to be.
4 Suggestion to Help Navigate Anxiety
I’ve struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember, but it wasn’t until college that I realized just how bad it had gotten. My mind would race constantly, sleep became impossible, and when I could sleep, I’d often deal with sleep paralysis. There were times I felt so anxious that I’d end up throwing up.
Visualizing 2025: How to Craft the Perfect Vision Board
On a poster board that snuggled into a frame, wondersome words and personal photos came together to create what I hoped was a mirror to the year approaching in a few short hours.
My Journey as a Writer so Far
As soon as I wake up, my mind starts racing. I always had a lot of thoughts in my head. Most of all opinions about movies, myself, people, the latest trends on social media. Really, anything. I don’t think I’ve ever had the chance to express my thoughts. Often, I feel like I’m criticizing something, rather than simply sharing what’s on my mind.
Minecraft and the Gaming Gender Gap
Over the years, Minecraft’s audience has shifted and become more diverse, attracting people of all ages and genders. However, despite the gradual rise in female gamers, there are still significantly more male players––only 32% of players are female. Why?
My First Honky Tonk
I’ve lived in Texas my whole life, but recently I went to my first honky tonk. I put on my True Religion bootcut jeans, pulled on cowboy boots, and borrowed my friend’s cowboy hat, (she insisted it completed the look).
What Is the "Sonder" Sensation?
Sonder: “The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries, and inherited craziness…”
Living with OCD: A Disorder, Not a Quirk
Whether I need to be certain that I’m not a pedophile or a murderer, that I’m in the right relationship, or sick with a rare disease, OCD questions my every thought, every move, my everything.